Italian0 - Beginner

“Italian0 - Beginner” is an intensive online Italian language course, designed for absolute beginners. The course is preparatory to the study of the Italian language: it is ideal for students of the Foundation Course program and, more generally, for anyone who wants to prepare for the Italian courses offered by the Language Center at the University.

Students learn Italian in a virtual classroom, managed by a tutor and equipped with tools for communication and interaction between participants.

Asynchronous study in the virtual classroom

The course consists of approximately 500 activities with automatic correction, multimedia materials (audio, video, images), and numerous in-depth study files which illustrate the grammatical rules and contexts of use of the language.

Furthermore, the course also includes exercises for oral and written production and interaction, that the tutor proposes and corrects.

Synchronous lessons

The course also includes participation in 10 synchronous lessons, each lasting one hour and a half. The timetable will be communicated at the beginning of the course. In the synchronous lessons, students have the opportunity to interact with your tutor and classmates in live audio-video.

Certificate of attendance

Upon completion of the course, a certificate of attendance is issued, based on the evaluation criteria agreed with the individual university.

What you need

Participating in the course requires a desktop/laptop/tablet and a connection to the Internet; you will also need a headset and a microphone for the synchronous lessons. Smartphone use is not recommended.

Course overview